Ocean Preservation and Sea Turtles
Presentation Outline
First Slide of Ocean:
This is the Ocean. This is our Ocean, our Mother, or Father. We talk about Global Warming and Pollution on this planet. What we don’t think about much is that our planet, our earth, is mostly Ocean. To be more clear, this planet is almost 70% Ocean, and by polluting our planet, we are very much polluting our Oceans and the animals in them. We humans are 71% saltwater, we are 71% OCEAN, and not only must we save the Ocean, we must save ourselves!
I. Introduction (name) I will be talking about Ocean Preservation and SeaTurtles.
II. Her is our first slide (The Ocean)
III. Quotes
IV. Again, today I will be talking about Ocean preservation problems and Sea Turtles.
V. First of all, one of our big environmental problems that we all know about is Global Warming.
(Explain greenhouse gases trap heat naturally, more heat is coming in and increasing our degrees. Fossil fuels and pollution is burning our Ozone layer. Glaciers melting by 75%)
Why is Global Warming happening? I might have told you, but the reason is pollution. Our pollution on Earth.
• Pollution
We in the United States especially should think about this problem.
One really huge problem is plastic. To be more specific, we have 7 kinds of plastic, 5 out of those 7 types of plastic are not recycleable. The other 2 that are, are often not even recycled! Take a look at our plastic.
• Air Pollution
• Gas
• Cows
Creating gas: Methane
• Not only is this pollution causing Global Warming, it’s also causing animals to die.
• Our Trash kills
• Animals like seals, and dolphins and fish.
• This bird was found by scientists dead. They found that they died from all this plastic. (slide of plastics inside bird).
• Sea Turtles
Of of the animals that is also dying from our pollution that I would like to focus on is Sea Turtles.
Types of Sea Turtle:
Olive Ridley: smallest, dives to 500 feet, lives in Tropical places, eats crab, shrimp, rock lobsters and jellyfish.
Hawksbill: 100-200 pounds, lives in all Oceans in Tropical areas.
Green Sea Turtle: found in Tropical and subtropival areas, eats grass, algae, sponges, mollusks, jellyfish.
Kemp’s Ridley: Smallest, lives in North Atlantic Oceans from North America to Europe. Eats crabs, mollusks, fish.
Loggerhead: large head, lives in all Oceans and Mediterranean Sea, eats sponges, mollusks, crustaceans, and plants.
Leatherback: largest sea turtle, lives in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans and also up North, eats mostly jellyfish.
Flatback: Found off the North and Northeastern Coasts of Australia. Eats things like sea cucumbers and prawns.
Many things happen to Sea Turtles besides our pollution.
-Some countries make turtle soup (show slide)
-decoration and jewelry
-exploitation of eggs
-caught in Tuna and Swordfish Fisheries and Shrimp nets
-Shrimpsuck.org (slide)
-Go Green (slide)
Still there are very few restaurants that have “turtle safe” shrimp.
If you want to learn more about shrimp nets and our ocean sea life, I highly recommend that your visit SHRIMPSUCK.ORG.
• Let’s Go Green
So as White Hill Wildcats, I think that we should Go Green!
And I can tell you that there are so many ways to accomplish this:
-You can go to the beach and have a picnic, and surf, and while you’re there, you can clean up!
-Buy Nalgene
Buying Nalgene bottles are a very big part of conservation. Another thing you can try to help Go Green is to not buy or drink from disposable plastic water bottles, if only for a week.
-Buy glass and reuse your containers
-Learn more about the planet and our Oceans by going to Oceanrevolution.org, and getting involved, and helping the Ocean Revolution.
-Let’s Imagine a Greener Dream!